Pega 7 CSA Practice Questions

1.      Section can be called from other section                                                                    True

2.       To create a rule with a circumstance you should have the base rule created.    True
3.      A RuleSet should not be unlocked before moving to production                         True
4.       Flow not more than 15 shapes-why?                                                     Difficulty in debugging
5.      Where do we find a Non-numeric subscript??                                                       Page group
6.       A decision needs to be taken if one will be given insurance or not. The factors are age, sex, alcoholic, prior conditions. Each can appear 10 times. Which rule to use?                           Decision tree
7.      When a rule is accessed 3 or 4 times, it goes into which cache?                            Rule Cache
8.      This smart shape  pauses the flow to analyze on the work object                      Assignment
9.      Business Process Flow can be tested from the developer portal                           True
10.   How many work objects a cover should ideally hold?                                          20
11.   Before moving to production, a RuleSet ideally is :                                                Locked
12.   characteristic of a class group?:    Is a class group, Belongs to a class group, Does not belong to a class group
13.   What is the use of commented Show-Page method in generated connector activity?:    Debugging
14.   Tool which can measure application & browser performance?                                         PAL
15.   WorkParties are the :                                                                                                                people who will not be directly involved in the resolution of the work and informing the status of the work object
16.   To display a XML of a clipboard page, which method is used?                                       Show-Page
17.   RuleSet Versions are mentioned in ___________ are mentioned in _____________ are mentioned in _________.                                                         Application, Access Group, Op Id
18.   In the Application RuleSet Version MyCo:07-27 is mentioned. Application has access to:   All rules in RuleSet version MyCo:07-27-01 to MyCo:07-27-99
19.   Which of the following is true about step pages.(choose 2)
a.      StepPages define the default page context during the step execution.
b.      StepPages is not required on each step of an activity.
20.   Using Rules Inspector, which of the following can be identified?               HTML Rules, Property Rules, Declarative Rules
21.   List three standard PegaRules Process Commander Attachment types.
a.      Data-WorkAttach-File
b.      Data-WorkAttach-Note
c.       Data-WorkAttach-ScreenShot
d.      Data-WorkAttach-URL
e.       Data-WorkAttach-Scanned Document
22.   Which of the following are related to SLA?                                                   Goal Time, Deadline, Late
23.   Who has the access on the dashboard?                                                                      Work manager
24.   Which of the flow shapes are appropriate for defining the path of execution according to complex “if...then” logic?                                                                                                                 Decision
25.   Which connector connects a assignment with another smartshape?                             FlowAction
26.   If an operator check-out a rule that rule will belong to which RuleSet?                               Private
27.   Repeating layout takes what kind of property?                                                                 PageList
28.   One SLA was given for one assignment which has urgency 10. Initial urgency was 10, goal for 2 hr urgency 3, deadline 5 hr urgency 5?                                                                                                    23
29.   Reusable layer if added to class what it called?                                             Framework layer
30.   As per Guardrails “HTML Auto-generated HTML feature “ is:                Always Enabled
31.   Which of the following are the shapes of Screen flow?                                Assignment, Utility, Decision
32.   Which harness is read only and the user can’t write anything on it?       Review harness
33.   Can we use multiple OR conditions within one cell of a Decision Table?                           Yes
34.   What should be the prefix of Declare Pages?                                                                           Declare_
35.   Can a Local action be displayed in a Modal window?                                                           Yes
36.   What should be the type of activity that is used to load Declarative Pages?      LoadDeclarativePages
37.   Can Decision Tables be edited in Excel?                                                                        Yes
38.   Which flow shape is used to call a Connector activity?                                                Integrator shape
39.   From a Flow, what are the ways of sending correspondence?                         Notify, CorrSend Utility, Send Correspondence local action
40.   What is the use of Assignment shape in a flow?                                     Used for user intervention
41.   Can the user’s worklist be customized?                                                                                   Yes
42.   Which option should be used for displaying the value of a property calculated by an R-D-E? Enable Expression calculation in Harness
43.   Where can we reference a validate rule to validate data entered by the user?                Flow Action
44.   SMA can be used to track multiple nodes in a cluster(Y/N)?                                                Yes
45.   Can the SMA be used to trace a different requestor’s session?                                    Yes
46.   The name of which harness is mentioned in the Process tab of a flow?                                New
47.   Which is the standard section that gets included in the New and Perform Harness created out of the Application Accelerator?                                                                                     CoreSummary
48.   What are the types of correspondence?                                                        Fax ,email ,phone, text
49.   Class of a Page List type property is typically inherited from which class?                        Data-
50.   Use of Where-Am-I icon:             Used to display the location of the current assignment shape in the flow
51.   How will you move only application specific Data instances using a Product rule?   using a when rule
52.   Object in memory is called ____________?                                                          Page
53.   Best practice while naming an abstract class: should end with a hyphen
54.   What is the best practice in terms of the RuleSet for a class group and it's work classes? single RuleSet
55.   A split join shape can be used to create 2 or more work objects and route them to 2 different flows? False
56.   Will an HTML Property mentioned in a Section rule, override that in a Property rule?              Yes
57.   What are the tools that should be used to diagnose a Performance issue?                   DBTrace, PAL
58.   Can we use the Application Accelerator without the Application Profile (AP)?                                Yes
59.   What are the information that needs to be gathered before running the AP? Actors, work types, reports, correspondence etc
60.   Which of the following is not an option with the Enterprise Application accelerator?  New Framework
61.   Phases of Implementation methodology (new structure)             Inception, Elaboration & Construction
62.   AP and Application accelerator both create work objects which are saved in the db?                     True
63.   Relationship between cover and covered objects:                                             One-One, One-Many
64.   What is dynamic select?               Used to display a list of values -retrieved from the database-in a dropdown
65.   Use of Tracer :                                          set breakpoint, open a named clipboard page to display current data, select which requestor session can be traced ,set watch variables
66.   Naming convention of personal RuleSet.                                                      OperatorId@:01-01-01
67.   If there is 1 critical alert and 255 normal alerts in the alert log file, what action should be taken after removing the critical alert? Try and remove all 255 alerts, See which are acceptable and then remove the rest
68.   What is prefix for newly created work objects?                                                                     W-
69.   Using which rule can you display icons, urls, and buttons to the user?                                        Harness
70.   Keys of a work object are defined where?                                                                                      Classgroup
71.   Use of Define Properties Wizard.                                                              Used to create Multiple properties, associate relevant html properties with them
72.   Can cover contain nested cover?                                                                                                              False
73.   Which class should classgroup inherit from?                                                                                       Work-
74.   What is true about concrete classes?                                                                Must have a direct inheritance
75.   What are the possible attributes in assignment properties?                                Local Action, Service Level
76.   How the smartprompt defines the attributes (Utility, Connect, Route)?                       In the security tab of the activity, the Activity type is of type Activity
77.   What are the Work Parties?                                Data-Party-Person, Data-Party-Com, Data-Party-Operator, Data-Party-Gov
78.   In the Vehicle Information section, the user can select several automobiles. The selections are stored in the Vehicle property. The Vehicle property is of type:                                                              Page List
79.   HTML Property can be updated in which attributes?                                        Section, Validate, Property
80.   Which harness type is Read-Only and can’t be updated by the workuser?                                  Review
81.   What does a Decision Table return when no rows match?                                                Otherwise Value
82.     All the standard properties in process commander begin with                                         px, py, pz
83.   Which prefix to a property name indicates that its value can be updated directly by a Worker inputting information through a web form                                                                         py
84.   There is property which stores the value of create date and time or create operator (perhaps for a work object). What is the prefix for these kind of properties                                                    px
85.   Which of the following type of standard properties cannot be tailored when you are customizing application in your own rule set? In other words, which of the following type of properties cannot be saved as to our class/RuleSet                                                                                                    pz
86.   List at least 3 PRPC predefined data classes that serve the purpose of work parties             Data-Party-Person, Data-party-Com, Data-party-Gov
87.   The clipboard page which contains information about your access roles, RuleSet list, and HTTP protocol parameters is the                                                                                                Requestor Page
88.   The clipboard page that is created at startup and contains system-wide state and configuration information to PRPC is called:                                                                                                      Process Page
89.   which are true about PegaRules database.(choose2)
a.       Standard and customer created rules are saved in PEGARULES
b.       PegaRules database cannot be accessed by external reporting tools
90.   Where can we specify new workobject harness                                                                    FlowRule
91.   Choose 3 from property's of assignment flow shape  LocalAction, Service level rule, Assignment activity
92.   For System architect after estimating the ROI and successfactors what is the Step to do next(check this)                              develop test plans and results
93.   In rules by type under security tab what are rule- and data- classes:   Previlege, Application, Accessgroup
94.   rule-parse-xml does(choose2)
a.       each parse xml rule contains set of parsing instructions
b.       XML message mapped to clipboard properties
95.   A user can generate reports using                                         Rule-Obj-ListView, Rule-Obj-SummaryView
96.   For the report generation to expose the embedded properties in the database what do we require?
Declare Index
97.   If your Assignment shape uses the standard rule "Worklist" and your Router uses the standard rule "ToWorkBasket", what happens                                                    The flow will be suspended,and control will be transferred to the FlowProblems flow
98.   What is the class of the top level clipboard page created by the Obj-List method          Code-Pega-List
99.   Re Customization of Architecture is done in? (choose Three)
a.       While collecting the requirements in the conception phase
b.       In the Elaboration phase
c.       Before starting of the construction phase
100.Which tool is used by the user to check for the Parameter values in the flow?                           Tracer
101.What is true about Embedded Pages?(Choose Two)
a.       They can contain details of work object
b.       They are not level Pages
102.A property Account Status is called in an activity belonging to some other class, A page Count belonging to that class is called in Pages and Classes tab which is also specified in StepPage. When this step is called by Activity, how do you call the AccountStatus.  
a.       Count.AccountStatus
b.       StepPage.AccountStatus
103. In rule resolution, what are all considered(Choose Four) 
a.       Circumstance
b.       RuleSet
c.       RuleSet Version
d.      Rule Availability
104. For creating tabbed look, which rule is considered       Harness
105. Examination questions if answered 90-100 Grade A,70-90 Grade B,50-70 Grade C. What are the possible rules which can be used to achieve this(Choose Three)
a.       Decision Table
b.       Map Value
c.       Declared Expression
106. What are the various actions that a Service Level rule can perform at Goal and Deadline events?
a.       Escalation Processing ( Means it can call activities upon reaching the goal time / deadline time and at every late interval time)
b.       It updates the urgency level. Upon goal time goal urgency is added to initial urgency and up on dead line reach, deadline urgency is added to previous urgency figure
107. List some of the standard connectors that come with PRPC , which enable it to connect to external systems?        Rule-Connect-EJB, Rule-Connect-JMS, Rule-Connect-Java, Rule-Connect-SQL, Rule-Connect-SOAP, Rule-Connect-MQ                       
108. List the all work object statuses that come in with PRPC:  New, Open, Pending, Resolve-Duplicate, Resolve-Rejected, Resolved-Complete
109. Which of the following rule best describes the following needs
through cascading (where one rule calls another), this rule can provide an output based on three, four or more inputs.                                                                                                   Decision Map
110. A _________ is a container for your application business logic, which is defined in rules     RuleSet
111. Which rules automate the process of monitoring work completion and notifying the appropriate person when additional scrutiny or action is warranted                             Service Level
112. PegaRules Process Commander supports the assignment of work to four types of destination. What are they?                                                                                  Agent, External, Worklist, Workbasket
113. A Process Flow has been designed that routes an assignment to a HR manager. An additional requirement is that the HR Manger be able to attach a budget sheet to the assignment before approving the assignment. This can be accomplished using a:   Local Flow Action
114. People and entities who are interested in the execution and progress of the work object are called as __________________________   WorkParties
115.Page list’s or Value list’s index always starts with :                                     a(1)
116. Each application will have a standard work party rule always named Requestor. Is this statement true or false?                                                                                             False
117. ______Control the user experience - the forms and their appearance, content and behavior Harness
118. For a single Valid Party row on a Work Party rule form, the Model column contains an optional field to reference a Model rule. Model rules allow you to define default information for specified fields on the PartyDisplay form. Is this statement true or false?                               True
119.  Rulesets are an important part of every Process Commander application because they act as a container for rules, play an important role in rule resolution and facilitate application deployment. Is this statement true or false                                                                                        True
120. Both cover class and work object classes must be in same ________                       ClassGroup
121. Validation rules are required rules that guide users to input correct values into the Rule-based HTML forms, reducing entry errors and improving productivity. Is this statement true or false?                      TRUE
122. Validation rules used to validate property values associated with HTML forms may display an error message if the validation fails. The error message field in the Validation rule form may contain          A Rule-Message key associated with the property being validated
123. Where .PropertyName is the name of a property, which of the following is the correct syntax for a property reference directive that would allow the user to assign the property value?     {.PropertyName INPUT}
124. Class Explorer is a tool that is available to system architects and system administrators only. Is this statement true or false?                                                                                  False
125.A Constraint rule records an expected relationship between property values and is not referenced explicitly in other rules. Is this statement true or false?                                 True
126.An Expression Rule allows process architects to define calculations in Excel spreadsheets. Is this statement true or false?                                                                                  False
127.A class hierarchy when sorted alphabetically gives ____________               Pattern Inheritance
128. Suppose there is a rule set called “XXX” which has got 5 versions. Then class Rule-Rule set-Name will have ___ no. of instances and Rule-Rule set-Version will have ___ no. of instances  1, 5
129. For most of the concrete classes, PRPC comes with a standard model called                   pyDefault
130. Which of the following are usually designed to correspond to one database table in Process Commander?    ClassGroup
131.What is the consequence of checking in the “Special” check box while creating a property?    Property is display only
132. All the routing activities return its result in an output parameter called:                            AssignTo
133.Which of the following property / properties are not aggregate properties?                     Value
134.Which of the following are used to specify default values for properties associated with a class? Models
135. Each record in (row) in relational database corresponds to one of the following in Process Commander. In other words, one row in table is created whenever following of process commander is created.                                                                                                                        Instance of any class
136.  We know that there are two mechanisms in which an instance is taken care to be stored in database.
These are,
1. There will be a column for some of the properties of instance
2. Additionally there will be another column to store entire instance as BLOB
Specify the column name in which instance is stored as BLOB                                            PzPVStream
137. When we store an instance of process commander in database  as a record, the following suffices the purpose of primary key.                                                                          Special key generated by PRPC
138.  Which of the following is not the place where u can add rule sets as an access control mechanism(Choose two)                                                                                          Unit, Operator Creation
139. Parameter Page can be referenced by which of the following keyword(choose2)         Param, param
140. The following method is used to make Obj-Save method not be effective and hence not to be taken up by subsequent Commit method                                                                             Obj- Save-Cancel
141. ______ Check box in Obj-Save method and _____ Check box in Obj-Delete method facilitate immediate write into database, without actually waiting for Commit method   Write-Now, Immediate
142.Check in and Check Out is applicable only to the instances of which of the following family of classes:                                                                                                                                  Rule-
143. Properties that have prefix px can only be set only with following method           Property-Set-Special
144. Which of the following three class groups process commander by default contains on installation (choose three)                                                                             PegaAccel, Data-Admin, History-PegaSample
145. Which of the following ways property called myProperty in primary page can be obtained (Select 3 answers)                                                                   .myProperty, Primary. myProperty, primary.myProperty
146. True or False: In various places where rule sets can be added as an access control mechanism, the order in which rule sets are added matters a lot in rule resolution processing                               True
147. The purpose of table edit when we define a property is:                                               To specify a set of legal/ valid values for that property
148. When we want to restrict any property to a set of legal values where set size is short - to - medium and set does not frequently change, the preferable way is by choosing                       Class Key value
149. When we want to restrict any property to a set of legal values where set size is short - to - medium and set frequently changes, the preferable way is by choosing                                             Local List
150. When we want to restrict any property to a set of legal values where set size is very large (such as produce codes etc) , the preferable way is by choosing                                                            Remote List
151. While Rule resolution algorithm prepares Rule set list from all data sources, the most top rule set from a data source:                                                     Will be appended at top of the list (for that data source)
152. A rule which is marked as final :        cannot be overridden in any other RuleSet except in its own RuleSet
153. Interest Page is nothing but                                                                                          Secondary Page
154. Utility activities cannot use which of the following methods                                                  Show-Html
155. Both Assign and Utility type of activities can not contain following methods:                  Show-Html
156. While using a Page-Copy method, what happens if system does not find the destination page (copy into page) in the clipboard?                                                                                          A new page with destination page name is created and properties are copied from source page to destination page
157. The property for the purpose of handle i.e., pzInsKey (which serves the purpose of primary key) is defined in following class:                                                                                                       @baseless
158. Which of the following are valid Work object IDs :                                                      Citi-234-Leave
159. What happens when we call Page-Remove followed by Commit method?                 It removes only clipboard page                                              
160. Generally routing activities are created in __________?                                Classes inherited from Work-
161. While defining an activity step, a step page field can remain blank if the step page operates on     Primary Page
162. What is the difference between activity methods Call and Branch?                               Branch transfers control to another activity by terminating present activity whereas call transfers control to another activity and returns to original activity when called activity completes
163. When we use Page-Rename method what happens, if the new name that we specify already exists in the clipboard?                                                     System deletes that page and replaces with renamed page
164. We know that if there are multiple instances with same visible key, rule resolution algorithm determines which one to return. If I want to explicitly specify the version I want (i.e. keeping the rule resolution algorithm aside), which of the following method need to be used?                             Obj-Open-By-Handle
165. Rule resolution dynamically selects the right rule by searching your profile Rule set list across multiple dimensions, including purpose, class, rule set and version, date and time range, circumstance and security.                                                                                                                      True
166. Which of the following best describes Directed Web Access?                    Anyone accessing the World Wide Web (or an intranet) and e-mail can process an assignment, on a one-time or infrequent as-needed basis
167. Users of the PegaRules Process Commander system are defined by :                             access groups, access roles and operator ID’s
168. What is the purpose of the Rules-CheckIn / CheckOut functionality built in to PegaRULES Process Commander?                                                                                                           It permits System architects to lock certain rules to prevent user access in a production system.
169. PegaRules Process Commander comes with a standard property to use as the unique ID for a work object. All classes derived from Work- inherit this property. It should always be used as the key for Work-based classes and class groups. What is the name of this standard property?                     pyID
170. What does the BroadCast option do while sending a Correspondence?               Send Correspondence to all the Work parties associated with the Work object 
171. The key point of the 9th Guardrail “ Calculate and Edit Declaratively and Not Procedurally” is: Create and Use Expression Rules instead of Property-Set
172. The key point of the 5th Guardrail “Build for Change” is:                         Activities should NOT be on this list. Use other Rule types for Business maintained logics
173. How can you include a Property in Rule-HTML-Section?                  Placing a property in a layout cell
174. Which of the following rules are used to set error messages?                                          Rule-Message
175. For what purpose would an application user use the clipboard?                           The clipboard should not be available to application users
176. Which of the following developer tools are used to record computer process statistics for a single user session?                                                                                                                 Performance Tool
177. Which method is used in Declare-Expression to calculate the Sum of the values of a particular property instance in an Embedded Page                                                                                   ValueOf
178.Which of these standard activities are used to create correspondence?                                  CorrNew
179. Does Rule-Obj-HTML come under Rule resolution?                                                                      Yes
180. What is the functionality of the Activity fired in Report Source step in Report Wizard?                      to retrieve data
181. What does the Application Accelerator prompt you for when you start using it: (select 2)          Work Object ID prefix, Application Parent Class
182. Which of the following rules can be created by the Application Accelerator? (select 3)            RuleSet,
Harness, Validations
183. Which of the following is not true?                                          Concrete classes must belong to a class group
184. A flow can have multiple End shapes.                                                                                                      True
185.Which class is used to process e-mail as a service to receive messages from other systems?         Rule-Service-Email
186. Which class is used to configure a user email account?                                                 Data-Email account
187. Obj-Open method opens an instance of a class into a step page. Which of the following statements is true?           An instance of a step page with the same name can be reused and the data is cleared automatically
188. The circumstance feature is defined by :                             Circumstance property and circumstance value
189. How could you use a Flow shape to branch to another flow without returning control? Do not have any connectors emanating from the Flow shape
190. To increase the performance while using Obj-List method:                                     use exposed properties
191. There is a property starting with py in a harness section. Choose the best option:                     you can view and also make the entries
192. The ID pxAP-1 is used for:                                                                                                                      Cover
193. We need an activity step to execute rule-declare-expression :                                                               No
194. An application user wants to update the value of a property of a work object. How will he do it?   Application user should not have access to clipboard.
195. HTML Fragments are created as type :                                                                            Rule-Obj-Fragment
196. In Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel Which of the following can be repeated:                                          Late event

197. A _________ rule type provides a conversion facility to convert data entered by a user (or received from another system) from a format that your application doesn't accept into another format
198. _________________ rules can define static aspects of your user interface such as Cascading Style Sheets or JavaScripts                                                                                                                        Fragment
199. Difference between worklist and workbasket:                                                 a worklist pertains to a operator and workbasket pertains to a particular work group
200.According to PRPC Standards of Design, which of the following should be followed?             Class Structure, Process Flow, User Interface
201. The Access Role of a user is defined in which of the following forms?              Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup
202. In order to upload a Image file, which of the following rule is used?                           Rule-File-Binary
203. In the ReportWizard, what does Data Source field contain for a Rule-Obj-SummaryView?           your work pool
204. If I have to send Correspondence to all the people in the process of resolving a work object, which of the following flow action I have to use?                                                                                          Notify
205. The portal layout for group of users can be generally controlled from which of the following?  Access Group
206. Which of the statements below is NOT one of the main purposes of a Rule set?                     To define security for rules
207. Skimming a Rule set collects the most recent revision of each rule within a single major version of a Rule set removing any duplicates and creates a new minor version of the Rule set? Is this statement true or false?                                                                                                                                                False
208. Use a ________ rule to convert one or two input values (text, numbers or dates) into a single resulting value, where the decision criteria fits a table or matrix structure                        Decision Map
209. In the Value field of a Model Rule-form, one can enter literal strings and also references like that shown below.       Lib(Pega-RULES:DateTime).addToDate(.pxCreateDateTime, 14, 0, 0, 0)                                                                                                                         This example references Java functions stored in a function library. Where in the class structure is this located?                                                                                                                       Rule-Utility-Function
210. Which directive would you use to retrieve a property value from an instance not present on the clipboard?                                                                                                                                 Lookup directive
211. If the value of a property contains an HTML text fragment and is to be processed as HTML, which keyword would you add as an option to the reference directive?                                               LITERAL
212. When one activity branches to, or calls another activity, parameters can be passed from the first activity to the second as part of the call. What syntax must be used in the called activity to reference these parameters?                                                                                                             Param.PropertyName
213. In designing a class structure for an application, what should the first step be?                        Identify the key tasks that the application will perform
214. Use the With directive to:                                                                                  Set the current embedded page
215. Which of the following rules should not be maintained by business users/process architects?    Rule-Edit-Input
216. Declarative rules such as Rule-Declare-Expressions and Rule-Declare-Constraints can be specialized using circumstances.                                                                                                                                FALSE
217. Pool Deals with:                                                                                                                                           Unit
218. Ticket shape represents:                                                                                                       Resume Execution
219.What is the default CSS for the PRPC application?                 Desktopstyle.css, Workform.css, Report.css
220.Suppose you have an overall SLA defined based on the property. In which activity do you need to initialize this property?                                                                                                                  NewDefaults
221.Is it possible to make a page-copy of two different classes?                                                                   Yes
222.How many concrete data classes are available in PRPC?                                                                         65
223.How many for conditions are there in activity?                                                                                           5
224.How many declarative standard rules are there in PRPC?                                                                        8
225.Can we give audit note in utility?                                                                                                               Yes
226.User created using application accelerator will have default password as:                                    Rules
227.Correspondence fragments are __________?                                                                           Small pieces of HTML that can be reused only within your application
228.____________ contain static text, such as HTML style sheets or JavaScript code and are not subject to rule resolution?                                                                                                                                     Text Files
229.Which of the following directives ‘comments out’ authoring notes in a PegaRules Process Commander HTML object?                                                {COMMENT} This is a comment {/COMMENT}
230.A PegaRules Process Commander class does not have a version number; rather it is associated with a RuleSet version to ensure that it is included in migration and shipping events. Is this statement true or false?                                                                                                                                               TRUE
231.Which of the following pairs of directives would you need to use to surround JavaScript that's in an HTML stream?                                                                                                                            {={=} and {=}=}
232.Inthe tracer, for Break Even Point, we can check for the following conditions (Pick out 3):
a.       Warn
b.       Fail
c.       Java Exception
233.Rules like Notify, Utility, Route belongs to:                                                                      Rule-Obj-Activity
234.When an individual rule has an Availability setting of No/Draft (rather than Yes), the rule is no longer usable in many situations. Which statement does NOT apply to rules with this Availability setting?                                                              The rule can belong to a RuleSet or Version that does not exist
235.If availability of the rule is made No/Draft what are the options we have(Pick out 3) 
a.        We can make the rule availability to yes
b.       PRPC will never find this rule through rule resolution
c.       Can contain properties and other rules that does not exist
236.If I want to display a workflow to a user in the ProcessWork tab (Narrow Column), which of the following I have to do.                                                     we have to check the Create New Work Object option
237.There is a page list associated with a work object, when can a page of this page list have a class that is inherits from Embed- class?                                  the pages contains data that comes from external source
238.Which statement about local variables is true?                  They exist only within the context of an activity
239.Typically inherit from Data- or Embed-. Which statement is true?                                         Instances of Embed- classes cannot be saved as pages inside work objects
240. The Assignments are routed to the intended person and the router task is supported by storing the result in an output parameter using                                  PropertySet an output parameter named PARAM.AssignTo in the Router Activity
241. <Select DPStatus="Open" DPName="Org" DPID="Org" DPValue="pyID" DPPosition="Operator"> <option>………</Select> One of the WorkObjectproperty get set through which assignment?    DPValue="pyID"
242. Access to RuleSets can be granted in (select 3)              Organization, Access Group, Division
243. We know that Activity-End method causes the system to end the current activity and continue with next activity on requestor’s activity list.What happens if one activity calls (by call method) second activity that contains Activity- End Method?                                 Both activities end up and control does not resume to calling activity.

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