SQL - Hands-On Exercises (Session 10)

1)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from higher_degree where university_name='Texas University')order by name;

2)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from higher_degree where university_name='Texas University')and profile_id in (select id from profile where batch=2008)order by name;

3)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from higher_degree where university_name='Texas University')and profile_id in (select id from profile where batch=2008 and degree_id in (select id from degree where department_id in (select id from department where name='CSE')))order by name;

4)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from profile_skills where profile_id in (select id from profile where degree_id in (select id from degree where department_id in (select id from department where name='MECH'))) and skill_id in (select id from skill where name='Programming'))order by name;

5)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from experience where profile_id in (select id from profile where degree_id in (select id from degree where department_id in (select id from department where name='MECH'))) and company_name='TCS' and current=1)order by name;

6)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from project where number_of_members>10) order by name;

7)select name from user where profile_id in (select id from profile where batch=2008) and id in (select user_id from query ) order by name;

8)select name from user where id in (select user_id from query where parent_id is null) order by name;

9)select name from user where id in (select user_id from query where parent_id is not null) order by name;

10)select name from user where id in (select user_id from query where parent_id is null ) and profile_id in (select id from profile where batch=2008) order by name;

11)select name from user where id in (select user_id from query where parent_id is not null) and profile_id in (select id from profile where batch=2008) order by name;

12)select name from user where id in (select organiser_id from event) order by name;

13)select name from user where id in (select organiser_id from event) and role_id in (select id from role where name='Alumni') order by name;

14)select name from user where id in (select organiser_id from event where year(date)='2013') order by name;

15)select name,phonenumber,emailid from user where id in (select organiser_id from event where name='ICSIP 2008');

16)select name from user where id in (select user_id from post where type_id in (select id from post_type where name='Technology') and year(date)='2013') order by name;

17)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from experience where profile_id in (select id from profile where designation='Project Manager') and company_name='TCS' and current=1) order by name;

18) SELECT name FROM user WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id FROM higher_degree WHERE university_name IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY name

19)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from experience where company_name='TCS' and ((year(end)>='2012' and year(start)<='2012') or  end is null)) order by name;

20)select count(id)event_count from event where organiser_id in (select id from user where role_id in (select id from role where name='Alumni'));

21)select count(id)degree_count from degree where department_id in (select id from department where name='CSE');

22)select count(id)coordinator_count from user where role_id in (select id from role where name='ALUMNI COORDINATOR');

23)select count(id)cse_alumni_count from user where role_id in (select id from role where name='Alumni') and profile_id in (select id from profile where degree_id in (select id from degree where department_id in (select id from department where name='CSE')));

24)select name from user where id not in (select user_id from query ) and role_id in (select id from role where name='Alumni')order by name;

25)select name from user where profile_id in (select profile_id from project where number_of_members=(select min(number_of_members) from project))order by name;

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  1. answer 15 is showing wrong answer. is there any other query to do that

